sabato 31 dicembre 2022


"It is often easier to send money to Africa or to support the cause of a distant people, than to meet the wishes and needs of those close by."(Sara Bini)

Versione italiana: Non rimandare l'amore

Greetings to my Facebook friends, wishing you all the best for the New Year. 

May it be full of joy, enthusiasm, passion and love. Hold on to the people you love and do not be mean. 

Do not skimp on that word, that gesture, that élan of the heart that could change the course and quality of a relationship. 

Do not postpone love. Then it may be too late. 

And this is coming from someone who finds herself alone and evidently unable to love. But never mind and, as Beckett says, I will try again, fail again, fail better. 

The video: Don't postpone love

Per prenotare  un colloquio  di Counseling contattatemi attraverso il mio sito  Le Vie per l'Armonia.

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