mercoledì 31 luglio 2024


“Anguish is the vertigo of Freedom. And poetry would be the vertigo of love.”(Maria Zambrano)

Versione italiana: un haiku a colazione

Another strategy for being initiated into poetry, for those unfamiliar with the senses and emotions, are morning and evening readings: a poem at breakfast and one before going to bed. It can even be the same one if it has struck us in a special way. 

For those who do not habitually read poetry and have no favourite authors, I suggest starting with intuitively accessible poems such as Japanese haiku or Chinese poetry. They are less contrived and culturally charged than much Western lyric poetry. 

Let us read them several times, possibly with the heart, that is, shutting the discursive mind for a moment and letting the images and sounds within us emerge. Let us not persist in wanting to ‘understand’; it will be the poem that will ‘com-prehend’ us and guide us on its light paths. This resonance will awaken memories and inspire us with words or expressions in response to those we are reading: let us note them down. 

A third way in would be to fall in love because, as Plato says, ‘everyone becomes a poet at the touch of love’. But one cannot fall in love on command and, given how compromised the emotional world of human beings is, even letting oneself go purely in love has become a privilege today, almost like being born Ungaretti or Montale. 

However, already through the previous two small practices, we can renew our gaze on reality, learning to notice something beautiful and new that nourishes our divergent and creative thinking. From here, moving on to composing our own poems is no longer such a difficult step. Sometimes we need expert guidance to accompany us in our first experiments - other times, however, our notes are already ready to combine, merge and associate in a new creation. 

The main thing is not to lose heart and not to compare ourselves to the Nobel Prize winners of world literature. We consider our lyrics as an intimate dialogue with our Soul, which lovingly guides us in the transfiguration of our inner world and, consequently, of our outer reality.  

Per prenotare  un colloquio  di Counseling contattatemi attraverso il mio sito  Le Vie per l'Armonia.

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