martedì 30 gennaio 2024

THE DARK DIS-EASE (mental and otherwise)

"All disease is the result of the inhibition of the life of the soul, and this applies to all forms in every realm."(Alice Bailey)

Versione italiana:Il male oscuro

What is disease? Is there a difference between mental and physical illness? 

My experience, both personally and as a counsellor and teacher, has shown me that all pathology, be it depression or diabetes, is the result of spaces of consciousness that are still dark, not permeated by the Light of the Soul. Why are they not? In many cases it is difficult to approach such areas: they actively repel our awareness and we are not yet ready to face them. That would be too destructive an impact on our personality.

In other cases, there is a precise intent to keep the dimensions of our life (sentimental relationships, work, friendships) in watertight compartments, with the illusion that we can better control everything or that we never have to account to anyone for our actions. We believe we can cheat Life and endlessly procrastinate every reckoning. Like children, we think we can continue to take no responsibility for what we do or don't do, in the pious illusion that Mother, God, or whoever, will one day solve everything.

But Life, Spirit, God himself, are relationship and communication, where Evil proliferates precisely in darkness and separation. When we do not connect and bring the various aspects of us and our existence into the Light, they die or become infected, becoming paralysis and disease. Not only that, in the long run they contaminate each other, just as the healing of one of them often brings the resolution of other aspects as well.

I have seen friends who, with a beautiful love story in which they gave themselves generously and enthusiastically, unblocked work or financial impasses that seemed irremediable. Ultimately, getting to the heart of the matter, an open heart is the source of every solution, healing and abundance. However, understanding is not enough; the high road is still through action. Awarenesses, good intentions or declarations of intent, if they remain only on a mental level, leave the place they find or, in this case, the pathology that is already there. 

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