"Mother: you, the only one who replaced all this silence, once, at the time of childhood. She takes it upon herself and says: don't be afraid, it's me. Who in the middle of the night has the courage to be this silence for those who are afraid, for those who die of fear. Turn on a light, and you are the noise. And keep the light in front of you and say: it's me, don't be afraid." (Rilke)
Returning to the theme of motherhood, I had the great fortune to find in my mother both the biological birth and the beginning of my cultural and spiritual birth. The latter continued thanks to the precious accompaniment of teachers, professors, coaches and other important reference figures in my years of training, I had the invaluable gift of many quality educators.
However, my mother was the first to provide me with the practical and psychological equipment to be able to express myself in the best possible way. She bought me books, musical instruments, canvases and brushes to express my creativity. She taught me that studying opens the mind and that true culture serves to refine one's sensitivity, one's ability to feel, think and love. He always told me that no matter what work I would do, true culture, true education are a heritage that no one could ever take away from me and that would still make my life significant and valuable.
All this was possible only because my mother herself burned the desire to grow, to evolve and to transcend herself. And this, in turn, had been passed on to her by her mother, in a backward chain of humble, intelligent and courageous women, eager to improve their condition and themselves.
My mother could not directly pass on her experiences and wisdom to me: that is a treasure that each of us earns in the field. However, she succeeded in inspiring me with her example, evoking in me the desire for knowledge, for what is beautiful, right and good. He could not make me a greater gift, together with his love and tenderness.
I hope that every woman knows how to be first and foremost the mother of herself, that is, how to take care of herself deeply and fully in order to educate her children, biological or spiritual, to the vital richness of an inspired and creative existence.
To book a counseling interview contact me through my website Le Vie per l'Armonia.