venerdì 13 marzo 2020

THE 'HEALTHY' AND THE 'SICK' 2 : the 'pandemic' inside

"And I'm not even angry now that I'm here alone with a pen in my hand. The best proof that I haven't had this disease is that I've never recovered from it."(Italo Svevo, ‘La Coscienza di Zeno’)

In a time of emergency or collective crisis, when the whole of humanity is called upon to review its lifestyles and its system of values and priorities, paradoxically the one who has long learned to live with uncertainty, frustration and a sense of bewilderment may find an advantage. This type of individual is accustomed to recollect himself, focusing and recovering those mental, emotional and practical resources that are necessary to face a delicate situation.

Those who, on the contrary, are fragmented and tend to escape from themselves and their own internal contradictions, as soon as the emergency arises, will seek refuge outside in the 'strong man' who will save everyone from catastrophe or simply in psychotropic drugs and other forms of addiction. Everyone, after all, does what he can according to what he is and the degree of awareness, intelligence and openness of heart he has achieved.
Those who are already fairly familiar with inner 'earthquakes' and 'pandemics' will have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned during their years of existential apprenticeship: the qualities of human solidarity, divergent and constructive thinking, creativity, authenticity and courage.

Crises, unfortunately or fortunately, tear masks and reveal both individual and collective hypocrisies. When the going gets tough and anxiety spreads, either we are slaves or we are, I don't say free, but at least a little more lucid and aware. The slave, in the face of fear, becomes angry and asks for even more chains; the conscious man, instead, brings out the best of himself and makes a gift of it to those next to him. In the name of Life, he is not afraid to put his own little life at service, because after all, as the terrible Mafalda said in a cartoon of the '60s, "if living means 'last', then I prefer a Beatles' single to an entire album by Orietta Berti!”.

Read the first part of this article at the link The reversal of perspective

Per prenotare  un colloquio  di Counseling contattatemi attraverso il mio sito  Le Vie per l'Armonia.

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